pity party
We've all had a pity party... I'm reasonably sure a good percentage of you have this week know who you are... We've all rolled our eyes and considered using our pencils to stab out our ear drums so that we can have some reprieve from the bubble headed 16 year old who is in near hysterics and crying uncontrollably about how they "will Never love again and will just DIE from a broken heart" ... No? Just Me?

Any 16 year olds reading this... cut that shit out... you'll be over it before you even realise it... the reason we have forgotten that to them it  actually is the worst experience they've ever had, is because life has shown that it has an endless variety of new ways to screw with us. 

Perspective... that's the important thing to keep in mind. Everything always seems terrible when its you going through it, and trivial when others are. Tonight i got a bitch slap from the universe. I was actually rather enjoying my temper tantrum if I'm honest...i was upset that i was going to have to stay home on another weekend to work, thanks to others not being able to do their damn jobs...its not fair...i also deserve to go out once in a while and can't be expected to just give up my social life...blah blah moan moan...oh don't get me wrong i would've snapped out of it at some I said...temper tantrum. 

Everything in the universe has its opposite... if you just thought 
"oh like the force in Star Wars" - congrats ... you're a nerd 
"oh like young and old" - you're old
"oh like Team Jacob and Team....whatever the hell its called" - get out... 

Ah crap... back to my point...

So in this instance I was snapped out of my own self pity bubble by the cashier who was so incredibly shy and introverted that it radiated off her. So I have always tried whenever I can to be extra nice and friendly to those that do the jobs no one really notices, cashiers, cleaners, nurses. 

One of the reasons for her shyness was that she also happened to be an albino, which is sadly still one of those things people react too...i have a friend who stupidly believes you have to touch green afterwards... no clue why... i stopped listening before my brain turned to goo.. to compound matters she seemed to have scarring or blisters as well. She couldn't even look up at me for more than a split second to hand me the slip and i still have no idea how much it cost since she was practically whispering... it can remain a secret... but I persisted , taking the split second glance to look her in the eye and say "Thank you nice lady hope you have a lovely evening further" - what happened next was over in less than a second but had a profound effect on me... she looked unsure for a second...smiled...blushed...looked down... and as I turned I heard a very soft and very sincere "thank you" like I had actually done something to be thankful for... 

That was all... with those two words I got perspective... I had become the bubble headed was someone who unlike me clearly was not a natural in her current profession, dealing with people on a daily basis who in the rare occasion actually see her, can't stop themselves from making her self aware... and she did it with a style, strength and grace that was humbling. And me....yeah i was sulking about missing out a couple of songs, clubs and drinks I've experienced thousands of times before...and a few more sleepless that i can get paid way more than most people I know... wow... what the hell? 

So thank you nice lady behind the counter (who's name i do know but do not want to share) you reminded me how insanely fortunate I am... 

Chances are... if you reading this you are too... look wont take long to find suffering... if you aren't aren't paying attention... 

We should never lose that feeling of discomfort at seeing suffering

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